visual play:
-> 'doodling' to 'noodling'
Word Clouds:
Tagxedo: 'word cloud with styles' Screen Shot of your creative play and save to your Google course folder for extra credit. |
WORDLE: Screen Shot of your creative play and save to your Google course folder for extra credit. |
online graphical dictionary Screen Shot of your creative play and save to your Google course folder for extra credit. |
• Tangrams -> Gestalt -> Perceptual Groupings -> Fusing
Tangram- The oldest Chinese puzzle.
To Play...
Screen Shot of your creative play and save to your Google course folder for extra credit.
To Play...
Screen Shot of your creative play and save to your Google course folder for extra credit.
• SKETCHPAD: drawing application online.
Screen Shot of your creative play and save to your Google course folder for extra credit.
* More links2etc will be added throughout the year.